Friday, December 20, 2013

Reflections on Turning 45 (pt 2) Thoughts About My So-Called Life

I turn my back to the wind
To catch my breath
Before I start off again.
Driven on without a moment to spend
To pass an evening with a drink and a friend
-       RUSH, Time Stand Still

Thoughts About My So-Called Life

How does one pare down and summarize one's life 'to date' is an odd thing to think about when looking to share with others. How personal to get? What's important and what is trivial? Might simply start with list of big events, see where it goes from there?

Summary Life So Far…

Childhood through early adult….

In the beginning....haha! Sorry, just popped to mind. Could have gone with 'it was the best of times, it was the worst of times' or something similar. Just needed to get the words flowing, and off we go!
For those who don’t know, I was born and raised to adulthood in the suburbs of Washington D.C.. Two brothers, one older and one younger, and one sister.  Largely raised as the fabled ‘middle child’ and overall would say I had typical middle class childhood.  Siblings = someone to play with or annoy or whatever most of the time.  Parents striving to do provide the best they could, usually resulting in my Dad working more than 1 job most of the time.  Moved 3x as I grew up, rental to bigger to BIGGER to more sensible houses in the same community so was largely able to keep same friends from elementary school through high school.
High school was pretty good.  Sports weren’t my thing growing up, made to do ‘something’ which equated to not-fun seasons of soccer (too much running around) and baseball (generally didn’t understand game nor had fundamental hitting/fielding skills to make it pleasant) but did find my niche is band (marching and concert).  Built friendships that have lasted in some cases to today – pretty impressive, eh?
Only one really significant girlfriend throughout pretty much all of high school.  First girlfriend, long-time girlfriend through freshman year of college where I guess I’d say things ran their course and we split up.  Pretty good impact on my early adulthood as dated a fair amount but didn’t really establish that deep relationship out of fear of getting heart broken in similar devastating way.
Went to general liberal arts college in central VA, not my first choice of schools, but looking back was probably a perfect choice!  No real passion for what I wanted to ‘be’ when I grew up so entered as undeclared major and eventually found myself with B.S. degrees in Physics and Applied Math.  Mostly picked my major study areas based on what I enjoyed and what I was good at rather than with any particular job or career field in mind.
As mentioned in earlier paragraph, no real girlfriend or relationships in college besides a handful of close friends and a few unrequited attempts.  Probably not emotionally mature enough or whatever.  Rocked college otherwise with nearly perfect grades until succumbing to distraction of parties, cheap beer and ambitions of ‘hooking up’ my senior year.
Segway….not a bad summary of first 20 years or so.  Could probably go deeper in places but leaving that for another day.  And musical interlude…
(Time stand still)
I'm not looking back
But I want to look around me now
-       RUSH, Time Stand Still

Early Adulthood…or The Good, The Bad and the Ugly….

So following graduation my first job wound up being with a small company support defense which, thankfully to some GREAT mentors and perseverance, turned into a fairly diverse career.  Fortunately only voluntarily changed jobs 3 times in 25 years (wow….that sounds like a LONG TIME!!!!), but more on that later I suppose.
Probably with linkages back to earlier mention of 1st girlfriend, not too many serious ones along the way, and, in hindsight, some immaturity mixed in with self-diagnosed co-dependency; enter the Bad/Ugly territory that would be one of the only few BIG mistakes made so far in short, not very happy with many years consequences to come marriage from 1995-2002.  Thinking about ‘wish I knew what I know now when I was younger’ – I’d perhaps have listened to my good friends at the time and saved myself a lot of grief, frustration and expense.  But in Sliding Doors kind of way, not possible to know what alternative directions life might have taken had it not occurred.  No hiding in samsara on this one or creating veiled illusions about what might have been.
Things are perfect as they are because they can’t be any other way…..
I’ll go Forrest Gump know and just say that’s all I have to say about that.
Which transitions nicely in to the Good.  Re-married in 2004 to love of my life.  Have ridden the ups and downs of headache that is having to deal with ex- whose been unstable and generally a negative drag on my shared children.  The battles and recurring contention takes its toll which probably gets blurred in with other parts of life resulting in some disillusionment, skepticism, and cynicism. 
The Rest of (Over-rated) Adulthood Summed Up…
Two children, well, young teens currently in middle school.  I try pretty hard to be the Dad I would want to be.  Lots of pets – different topic for completely different set of writing.  And fortunately I can say I’ve a few close friends, and many more friends and acquaintances through different activities and groups.  Comparatively with many of my peers, in many cases it’s my observation that they sadly can probably count their ‘close friends’ on one hand.  Sometimes it's hard work to put yourself 'out there' to meet people other than through work or kids or neighbors.....but try it!!!!
Besides growing up in Virginia, I've also lived for various amounts of time in Colorado Springs and Syracuse as my career has progressed.  Work has also afforded quite a bit of travel both around the US and to parts of the world.  I enjoy traveling and visiting new places for personal trips too.  Not so much to the bigger touristy places such as Orlando/Disney but to other locations offering more immersive opportunities with more local crowds.  Favorite places include UK, France, Italy, Netherlands and Belgium.

As for family both close and more distant, I've 2 brothers, a sister, and a mom, maternal grandparents and Aunts, Uncles and cousins I'd consider close family still on their own journeys.  I did lose my Dad in 2004 but more on that in a later entry.

 Living away from family creates its own dynamic. Closeness is as hard or easy depending on the efforts put in on both sides of the equation. As life unfolds and we create our own spheres of friends and interests maybe divergence is inevitable. Here some deconstructing of samsara does enter in, because initially and yeah, sometimes still, may have random wishes things might be 'different' and my kids childhood be more similar to mine, especially when holiday times roll around. 

But, accepting and appreciating that not only are things 'as they are', and maybe even 'better' from their perspectives. Definitely different life for my kids relative to my own experiences but in context of making/losing friends, developing close relationships with those within our sphere and needing to open up and bond with people you've no blood relation too is a positive thing too.  Especially in the context of karma and no accidents -- people come and go into our lives for unseen reasons as we also impact their lives.

Lastly, on status of life so far and overall posture entering in to 2nd half of my life, I've had no major illnesses or injuries, more on health stuff in Part 3. I did have deer vs motorcycle accident about 2 years ago now. Brought end to hobby I really enjoyed but given the impacts of that accident on my wife and family, decided to find other pursuits that carry as much of a thrill and independence feeling but without the inherent risk of death.  Maybe return to it someday....maybe not.
"Time Stand Still"

(Time stand still)
I'm not looking back
But I want to look around me now
(Time stand still)
See more of the people and the places that surround me now
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each sensation a little bit stronger
Experience slips away
Experience slips away

I turn my face to the sun
Close my eyes
Let my defences down
All those wounds that I can't get unwound

(Time stand still)
I'm not looking back
But I want to look around me now
(Time stand still)
See more of the people and the places that surround me now
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each impression a little bit stronger
Freeze this motion a little bit longer
The innocence slips away
The innocence slips away...

Summer's going fast, nights growing colder
Children growing up, old friends growing older
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each sensation a little bit stronger
Experience slips away
Experience slips away...
The innocence slips away

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Reflections on Turning 45 (pt 1)...

7 Dec - An Opening Message…

First, to those who happen to read and maybe comment on my musings, thank you for taking the time.  Most of you are probably my friends, family members or old acquaintances from past jobs, college, high school or even as far back as childhood friends.  Some may be family members or friends of friends and possibly complete strangers.  Regardless, as we’re all on our own journeys called ‘life’ it my hope that my writing might inspire, or cause pensive meditation on similar circumstances in your lives.  Possibly, there will even be some unanswered questions that arise and any tips, suggestions or feedback will be appreciated!

- Preview -

When considering how and where to start reflecting on one’s life so far, it seems natural to identify some boundaries to guide my thoughts and writing.  45 years is a long time and some prejudice is warranted to both filter down a life full of events ranging from the mundane, boring stuff to the good, the bad and the tragic that have worked to shape ‘me’ and to hopefully keep it interesting and compelling.  As I’ve written my outline and began forming up what will be included, I’ve already a longer list of other topics probably to be expanded later – outside of this thread.

As the Billy Joel song goes...
So many faces in and out of my life
Some will last
Some will just be now and then
Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes...

 - Read, Meditate/Reflect, Adapt and "Just Do It..." -

So no surprise here, I'm running behind.  This post was SUPPOSED to be out a week ago, but life has a tendency to get in the way of my plans.  Plus, outlining, drafting, editing and re-editing takes time so whatever, don't sue me!!!

Like the subheading says though, whatever you set out before yourself to do, no matter success or fail or procrastinate or get interrupted, remind yourself to "Just Do It!!!".  For lots of things, no one else can do it for you and they're not magically going to do themselves.  What awaits if you give up who knows, but one thing I do now will arise is regret.  When it's too late it's too late.

Which links into what maybe a recurring theme in this series, and that is loss and general unpreparedness for it. All the shit we put off to another day, usually in my case to do something completely valueless and pointless.  Guilty.  A few friends have died this year, a good friends husband in an accident.  Maybe you lost relatives for friends too this year.  Sorry about that.

Tomorrow isn't a guarantee for any of us.  It's way too easy to sleep-walk through our lives, such is the nature of samsara.  But to be mindful of our thoughts, of our surroundings, to live in the 'now' as opposed to the past or the future -- that is something to strive for every day.

So, please read on.  Maybe you'll find cause or trigger to think about your life, your circumstances or even mine.  Adapt to what moves you, or provide me comments/suggestions on my road so far....

And off we go!!!

- Namaste