2012 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
3rd Unexpected Event
The 3rd unexpected event or occurance from 2012 comes in the form of awareness of the Black Forest Animal Sanctuary. A volunteer who is also a member of one of meetup groups posted a message about the sanctuary needing both donations (funding, food, misc items) as well as volunteers. Should go without saying, it takes a lot of work running an animal sanctuary day to day and simultaneously working to get the animals sponsored or better yet adopted.
What better way to support animal causes than to get physically involved! We've since been to the farm several times to help with cleaning, walking, grooming and just socializing with the current residents of the farm. Current characters calling the farm home include: Wilbur (a huge smiley pig), a pot-bellied pig, several unshy goats, alpacas, donkeys, several horses, cows including 1 Holstein and 1 Angus, chickens, ducks, geese and a pair of turkeys!
I've seen farm animals from afar in fields. I've been around and ridden horses before. But NEVER had I:
- Hand fed and pet cows,
- Hand fed and got right next to a HUGE Angus cow! (Did you know they have black tongues and gums?)
- Got chased around by a turkey! (should have videoed that, might have gotten $10,000!)
- Been nuzzled by so many horses happy for a apple or potato and a scratch.
- Hand fed and pet such an enormous PIG!!!
Several local stores have been happy to save the throw-aways for us when asked a day ahead of time. Other stores have done so - but the response seems inconsistent depending on who is asked at the time. Responses range from '100% absolutely yes!' to 'Um....sure.' to 'That's not aligned with our corporate polices.'. [Often have gotten all theses from the SAME store depending on the day!?].
This is largely throw-away product that is unsellable and mostly un-fit to donate to homeless shelters or food pantries. What people won't eat a horse/cow/big/goat likely will gobble up with gratitude.
So, first request to my readers (especially those in Colorado Springs area) who may work or have contacts with local or corporate Safeway, King Soopers, Albertsons, Target, Walmart, etc. to help us with consistently arrange the collecting up of the throw-away produce and bakery items PLEASE do try! Worst that can happen is with such requests is 'NO'.....but a world of good could come from just a few successful donations each week.
Likewise, if you feel so moved to volunteer some time, a link to the Sanctuary is provided below. All are welcomed with no experience required!
2012 in Summary
First let me say thanks to those of you who read my 2012 year end review including what I thought worthwhile highlights to share. May you have an equally amazing and unexpected 2013!
In closing, I thought that the main points I really wanted readers to take away from my 2012 experience largely center on LIVING YOUR LIFE!!! Don't let it pass you buy while you wait for a better job, better house, better partner, better circumstances or some time later. No one know how much of this life they have left. Live large. Live for others and the rewards you get back might amaze you! Be open. Compassionate. Give a DAMN.
This one goes to my own family members and my immediate circle of friends....GET OUTSIDE of your circle! Meet new people. Try new things. Some may disappoint but others might change your life (or theirs) forever. Live forever in the memory of those whom you've touched in life. A little smile, support, aid, compassion can leave an enduring mark on the receivers life.
Challenge what you believe to be true. It is all too easy to just coast through life relying on what you've heard, what you've grown up with, and what you thought to be true XX years ago. Time marches on and no one is the same person they were XX years ago (double digits for emphasis!).
Static beliefs and a static circle of friends is not growing, learning, and evolving. I wasn't always a vegetarian. I wasn't an activist of any kind other than an activist in my own best interests. Shallow. It would be sad to have had died and left so many things undone simply because I couldn't be bothered.
No, I'm not perfect. I have my lazy days. I have the self-interest stuff I want to do -- a very long list at that. But at the end of the day, looking back at 2012 I think about what mattered. What would the long standing effect or impact of how I spend that hour or evening or weekend doing something just for me as opposed to not only doing that thing for me...but doing 3 other things touching the lives of others?
Think about it.
Yes, 'me' time is important. 'Us' time for couples is important and for families too. But we piss away so much time doing mindless, pointless stuff (we = me included!). We should push ourselves to be all we can be!!!
Happy New Year!!!!
Be a PART of Change...Pikes Peak Animal Rights Team
Colorado Springs Vegan and Vegetarian Group
Black Forest Animal Sanctuary.
Great post! Happy 2013 to you too!